PMC Isochem’s offer covers cGMP cryogenic reactions. This industrial capability combined with know-how in organometallic chemistry and asymmetric reactions is a valuable tool into the multistep synthesis industrial platform.
Your benefits from PMC Isochem’s offer
Technology expertise
- Organometallic chemistry, deprotonation, halogen exchange, rearrangement
- Asymmetric reactions

Custom manufacturing
- cGMP custom manufacturing reaction at -70°C at 3000 L scale (two vessels)
- Chemistry and handling of Lithium organometallic reagents (Alkyl lithium, lithium amides …)
- Access to boronic acid intermediates and downstream coupling reactions
- Access chiral intermediates from asymmetric reactions
First class R&D
Our R&D teams are used to work on advanced cryogenic reactions for both rapid evaluation and process development for scale-up of cryogenic reactions.