PMC Isochem has developed over 40 years a first class technology platform offering to our customers a competitive development and manufacturing cGMP service with a strong position in hazardous chemistry.
Your benefits from PMC Isochem’s offer
- Chemistry and process expertise
- Large scale multi-step synthesis
- Handling large volumes of hazardous materials
- Large scale HSE risk management track-records
- Reliable and competitive solution

PMC Isochem operates 3 cGMP production sites with a total reaction capacity of 240 m3. PMC Isochem runs a large range of glass-lined and stainless steel vessels, from 100 L to 10.000 L, coupled with equipment for liquid and solid purification and separation. API, regatory registered intermediates, starting materials and other chemicals are produced in the three sites.
Manufacturing facilities (cGMP sites)
Reaction-Process (59 equipments) 240 m3 - 0.1 to 10 m3

- Glass-lined 190 m3 (33 eq.)
- Stainless steel 65 m3 (25 eq.)
- Halar coated 1 m3 (1 eq.)
- 40 bar Biazzi hydrogenator
Filtration (33 equipments)
- Stirred filter (18 eq.) up to 5 m2
- Including filter dryer : 6
- Including anti-corrosion (Hastelloy C) : 5
- Centrifuge (9 eq.)
- Press Filter (6 eq.)
- Including 1 automatic (LAROX)
Finishing (21 equipments)
- Stirred dryer (6 eq.) up to 2500 L
- Tray oven (15 eq.)
- Sieving and Milling
- Clean rooms: class 100.000 and class D
Distillation (8 equipments)
- Batch Glass-lined (5 eq.) & Stainless Steel (2 eq.)
- 100 to 1800 L – up to 15 plates
- Wiped Film (Hastelloy C) 0.3 m2 - 600 kg/day
Purified water
Clean room: class 100.000 and class D